Intel She Will Connect Program

ACWICT receives an award for exemplary contribution during the Intel She Will Connect Program
Intel Corporation hosted a celebration on 22nd October at Tamarind Tree Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. We celebrated Intel She Will Connect Program reaching its 5 million goal. Together with other partners, we were treated to an array of traditional songs and dances from Africa as well as inspiring success stories from program beneficiaries. The purpose of the event was not only to celebrate the achievements of the program but also to recognize and award program partners for their efforts.
“This program has two heroes, said Suraj Shah, Africa Program Director, “The women who were impacted and the people who had their eyes and ears on the ground.”
Introducing ACWICT, Mr. Suraj spoke fondly of the ACWICT Intel Partnership. “What about the young women who are not getting employed because they don’t have job ready skills? I know of one organization, ACWICT, who we have always used as a sound board for what women need. When women come to the doors of ACWICT, they are trained and mentored to acquire job ready skills and finally transitioned into gainful employment.”

Ms Constantine Obuya, Executive Director, Accepting the Award on behalf of ACWICT
Accepting the award on behalf of ACWICT’s Executive Director, Ms Constantine Obuya. “ACWICTs and Intel’s journey started long before the launch of the Program with conversations around women and ICT.” Said Ms. Obuya. “During the launch of the program, we were able to find ways of working in the program in our areas of strength. Coming from a background of working with women to give them employable skills, we were able to combine our approaches and partner with Intel Corporation to provide women with Digital Literacy Skills, Online Work Opportunities, Entrepreneurship, Mentorship, and Job Placements.”
Grateful for the opportunity of partnering with Intel on this journey, she reiterated that together they were able to take the program to West Pokot where they were able to reach women from very disadvantaged backgrounds
“We found ways of traversing the political unrest in Kibera and train women in Kibera. The caravan and toolkit provided by Intel has allowed us to reach very remote areas and the nature of our work cannot allow us to end here. The work must continue!” Said Ms Constantine
Ms. Constantine appreciated all the Intel She Connect partners for their contribution to the program’s ultimate success and to the achievement of the 5 million women reached which is an achievement not only for women in Africa but to the African families that are now more economically empowered as a result.