Microsoft Imagine Academy

Accredited Microsoft Imagine Academy
Providing benefits for students, educators, academic institutions, and your community. The Microsoft Imagine Academy program provides educational institutions with access to a full curriculum solution for teaching technology courses and learning tools that help teachers gain technology skills, and helps students to achieve success thru employability and industry certification.
Membership is open to all accredited educational institutions and benefits include:
Online Learning courses (more than 200 courses)
Digital Study Guides – mapped to certification
Customizable lesson plans Digital literacy Certification Academic discounts on Certification exams
Validate student technology skills: – Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) – Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams – Microsoft Certifications Solutions Associate/ Expert (MCSA/MCSE) • Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) exams measure competency in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) • Become a testing center and offer onsite exams • Certification Roadmap Educator and Staff Professional Development • Guides and exam vouchers for Educators: – Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) – Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) – Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) • Teaching with Technology Curriculum • Microsoft Certified Trainer program discount • Online Learning access Resources and partnership • Microsoft Imagine Academy member website: – Program information, support materials, and resources – Posters to promote Microsoft Imagine Academy with students – Marketing materials, press kits, and videos • Customizable, print-ready Certificate of Completion

The initiative is fueled by the need to address a growing challenge: In the next 10 years, more than 1 billion young people will enter the job market. This means that 5 million jobs are needed per month to accommodate this influx and maintain current employment levels in the developing world.
Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE) is a multi-stakeholder coalition among public sector, private sector, civil society actors, government officials, foundations, think tanks, and young people that aims to provide leadership and resources for catalytic action to increase the number of young people engaged in productive work. S4YE’s mission is to develop innovative solutions to youth employment, through practical research and active engagement with public and private stakeholders to enable solutions at scale. S4YE combines a pragmatic approach to identifying solutions for youth employment with an evidence-based advocacy platform for increase access to productive work for young people. S4YE has two key priorities: 1) Innovation and 2) Knowledge, Learning, and Communications and three cross-cutting themes: gender, youth participation, and private sector engagement